Wednesday, 23 May 2012

A Lot Like Love

A Lot Like Love

I would call her name
If I knew what it was.

The train carriage rumbles rowdy
Shrieking and shuddering
Steel grazing and grating –
A mechanical marinade of metallic sounds
All fading away
Because something else is rumbling louder.

‘The next stop is… change here for…’
But I can’t get off till she does.

She jumped on when I did,
Just before the doors shut.
I didn’t notice her (at first)
But when she sat, her gaze ran across mine –
She had special effects in her 
Golden brown eyes
Like a pair of simmering sunsets
Frozen in ice.

‘The next stop is… change here for...’
The train says, in a machine voice.
Home was five stops ago
Why would I get off now?

I should say something
But I can’t –
Paralysed with contentment
And a fire in my belly
To match the fire in her eyes.

The next stop is… change here for…’
She uncrosses her legs
Stuffs her phone in her purse
And turns, unaware, towards the doors.
When they open, she gets up
And walks off the train.

In a daze, I wonder
How do I get back home from here?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Haha, it's not strictly speaking autobiographical. I have perved on women on the train, but I've never taken it this far.
